I need to keep track of what else need's doing on this website before it's production-ready. So here's a public todo list, even tho it's for my own personal tracking.
Here’s all I can think of for now, that I need to get done.
- Shortcodes need to be made & tested for video clips (just Youtube for now? Or animated gifs / mp4 shorts?)
- About needs a better format, so I can include links, etc..
- DevStatus?? Questioning whether this should be a relevant thing? Maybe it should list not just what I’m working on, but what readers can expect upcoming?
- Also: consider adding an optional “talk” link for each article, so can send towards Mastodon or Bluesky as a substitute for comments.
- Redo the entire CSS as Grids. (this would be a BIG revamp! but could be easier maintenance long-run?)
- Add og-image (Open Graph image) support, for previews on social media.
- RSS needs improvements, including preview image links (use og-image?).
Cover images need to be automated, work for the varying page formats & for mobile as well.
RSS feeds need fixes, especially News which I made previously assuming summaries, but now should use Descriptions instead.
List template needs to differentiate Tags.
List pages, mainly for blog & news need to be made.
Single-Pages need to be done and differentiate between one-offs & articles within categories.
Aside bar (date, tags, etc.) is hardcoded right now & needs to be correctly completed.
Hahah, do I need to add a crossout feature? Or does that just work. Woot! works.
Maybe I’ll add more later. So far I’m pleased with the relatively simple blog style, while still flexible to navigate.
Here's an inaccurate summary description for the Moar Blog post. Should I call them blog posts, or blogPosts?
Need more blog.
Curabitur dui elit, pulvinar vel tortor at, bibendum pellentesque justo. Donec in augue quis lectus imperdiet faucibus et vulputate felis. Quisque eget nibh libero. Aliquam ac pretium metus, eu posuere diam. Ut nec viverra sapien. Ut et felis eget mauris ultricies aliquam quis porta quam. Duis tincidunt blandit facilisis. Aenean volutpat, felis porttitor tincidunt facilisis, odio orci lobortis odio, id tempor nulla nunc et purus. Phasellus id pulvinar tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean in consectetur enim. Integer sed pulvinar nisl, et cursus lorem. Nullam neque nisl, mollis nec bibendum et, sodales in nulla. Integer tincidunt eu eros eget porta.
Nulla a luctus justo. Maecenas sit amet blandit turpis. Praesent faucibus, ex eget tempus mollis, neque ligula facilisis tortor, feugiat imperdiet magna neque quis lorem. Vivamus feugiat vulputate semper. Suspendisse congue ut turpis nec rutrum. Aliquam bibendum elementum sapien, et tincidunt nisl mollis eget. Sed gravida hendrerit nisl in laoreet. Proin nec nibh a dui tristique porttitor vel bibendum enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ullamcorper scelerisque lectus, pretium venenatis turpis porta suscipit. Aliquam ac ullamcorper massa, scelerisque ultricies tellus. Maecenas sit amet eleifend leo. Etiam et ultricies mauris. Vestibulum et dui augue. Sed finibus tortor dolor, auctor sollicitudin felis accumsan vitae.
Aenean eget velit ut nisl dapibus eleifend. Integer velit neque, porta nec nisl non, porta tempor nunc. Fusce vel volutpat lorem. Nullam facilisis erat eleifend sagittis rutrum. Nam eros eros, volutpat non lacus non, elementum luctus odio. Aenean nulla justo, mattis quis erat non, commodo accumsan justo. Nulla posuere lacus id efficitur commodo. Donec ornare interdum risus, quis finibus magna pulvinar dapibus. Curabitur accumsan gravida nibh a cursus. Mauris tortor dui, congue nec diam vitae, posuere hendrerit orci. Donec scelerisque est at augue molestie tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut eget bibendum tellus, ac vehicula metus. Sed accumsan maximus tortor ut lobortis. Donec dignissim leo eu fermentum sollicitudin. In pulvinar metus et leo imperdiet tristique.
Yes, no. No, no, yes. Intros need enough text to wrap or else the oversized first-letter looks odd.
Are these never-ending news posts?
And yes.
Yet still: Yes.