Articles tagged as "#todo":

Web Todo List

[Updated: Oct 27, 2024]
I need to keep track of what else need's doing on this website before it's production-ready. So here's a public todo list, even tho it's for my own personal tracking.
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Here’s all I can think of for now, that I need to get done.


  • Shortcodes need to be made & tested for video clips (just Youtube for now? Or animated gifs / mp4 shorts?)
  • About needs a better format, so I can include links, etc..
  • DevStatus?? Questioning whether this should be a relevant thing? Maybe it should list not just what I’m working on, but what readers can expect upcoming?
  • Also: consider adding an optional “talk” link for each article, so can send towards Mastodon or Bluesky as a substitute for comments.
  • Redo the entire CSS as Grids. (this would be a BIG revamp! but could be easier maintenance long-run?)


  • Add og-image (Open Graph image) support, for previews on social media.
  • RSS needs improvements, including preview image links (use og-image?).


  • Cover images need to be automated, work for the varying page formats & for mobile as well.
  • RSS feeds need fixes, especially News which I made previously assuming summaries, but now should use Descriptions instead.
  • List template needs to differentiate Tags.
  • List pages, mainly for blog & news need to be made.
  • Single-Pages need to be done and differentiate between one-offs & articles within categories.
  • Aside bar (date, tags, etc.) is hardcoded right now & needs to be correctly completed.
  • Hahah, do I need to add a crossout feature? Or does that just work. Woot! works.

Maybe I’ll add more later. So far I’m pleased with the relatively simple blog style, while still flexible to navigate.